You can make a difference. We are always looking for volunteers to join us in speaking with a classroom. These students benefit from hearing from a variety of experiences and professions. As volunteers, we talk about our jobs, the obstacles we have faced, and the important role education has placed in our lives. Not only do we relate our own personal stories, but we also provide information and statistics about the cost of living, comparative earnings for high school graduates vs. dropouts, and how much more one can earn with additional education and training. We never know what will strike a chord in a kids heart and make a lasting impact: all we can do is try.
Every year we need new volunteers to spread our motto: "Education is the Key"
Your donation allows us to provide scholarships to students and help lift them from a low socio-economic status. Many students are first generation HS graduates or the first in their families to enroll in post-HS education. We provide them with materials and resources needed to make educated decisions on their future. It also allows us to host a banquet in the honor of scholarship recipients to celebrate their dedication to their education.
Spread the Word
Tell your colleagues and friends about how they can get involved with YMTF. There's no better way to make an impact than to become an active volunteer yourself. Our volunteers are what make our organization's outreach possible. Please join our diverse collection of volunteers and help us reach a wider variety of students. You all are the real difference makers and time is the greatest gift. Find out how you can impact a student's life.